Monday, September 24, 2018

Texas, San Antonio Termite Control

Texas, San Antonio Termite Control

Termite control can be a big cause of concern for many Texas homeowners. In order to prevent certain species of termites from invading your home or commercial building, it is highly recommended to have your Home treated to avoid termite damage.

The biggest risks associated with termites are found with the damage that is created from their infestation, as well as the expense to repair Texas termite damage. Therefore, every homeowner in Texas should do regular termite inspections in order to prevent or eliminate this invading threat. Termite inspection San Antonio

No other insect can make more damage to you home than that of these timber destroying pests. The structure of your Texas residence may be in danger as you discover areas that have either been softened or have begun to crumble apart as a result of termite infestation. The good news is that as a Texas homeowner you can consider a proactive approach to termite damage.

Unfortunately, most home owners in Texas are only proactive and call a Texas termite inspector when they are selling their home. Fact is however, that termite control measurements should be scheduled on an annual basis, and not simply a result of a home sale or purchase. During the time where your home is not being inspected, you will often discover various forms of termite infestation. As a homeowner, you would like to avoid the expenses which are associated with repairing termite damaged areas as a result of a termite infestation.

Utilizing a Texas termite control firm which uses high tech equipment to ensure your home is free and clear of termite infestation is well worth the expense. By using solutions that help in preventing infestation with subterranean or drywood termites, you will save money in the long run. Also by having termite inspections done on a regular basis, you will get rid of the risk associated with Texas termites and termite damage.

Of course, there are many more advantages that are available for any individual looking to utilize the services of a Texas termite control company, due to the likelihood of termites which are found in a Texas home. Eliminating the risk of termites is just one example of the preventative opportunities that are available with Texas Pest Control.

If you want to save thousands of dollars in damage repair costs, you should take preventive means to save your home from termites. Getting Texas termite inspections done once or twice in a year can save any home in Texas a lot of money.

How to Control Termites

It is very important to know how to control termites, especially if you live in an older home made of wood or if you live in a warmer, more humid climate. Whether or not you already have an infestation, everybody should know how to control termites in order to prevent thousands of dollars of damage to your home and property. The first thing that should be done to control termites is to check and see if you have an infestation. Check your home and property for any rotting or damaged wood; including support beams and foundations as well as walls and floors. It would also be smart to check around foundations and in unfinished basements for tunnels in the mud that would indicate an infestation of subterranean termites.Termites controll

Termites feed on the cellulose that is naturally found in wood, and can cause serious structural damage to a building. These pesky insects nest in the earth and cause damage to wood found closer to the ground. In homes and buildings, the damage caused by a termite infestation can be destructive and can be very expensive if not treated as soon as possible. If action is not taken immediately, the damage caused will gradually become worse and the affected structure will eventually become unsalvageable.

The effect of termite damage causes the wood’s overall integrity and reliability to become compromised. Only about a centimeter in length, these tiny pests can be subtle and relatively unnoticeable as they destroy the infested building. Every year, the damage caused by termite infestations is more than $100 million dollars. As deforestation occurs, termites have to take flight in search of alternative food sources. Since they are unable to determine or recognize the difference in food sources, anything that contains or has been built from wood can be an enticing meal. Because they eat cellulose, their diet has been known to include important papers, money, books, and furniture. Pool liners and filters have also been damaged.

For methods of how to control termites, there are several options available. The most obvious option would be to hire an exterminator, but this can be prohibitively expensive. It is possible to treat a termite infestation yourself. The first step is to go around the property and clean up any dead wood, branches, or log piles. Either remove these from the property or elevate them off of the ground so that termites cannot reach them. Next, seal up any cracks in the walls and foundations that the termites may be using to get into the house.

Finally, there are several products available for purchase used to kill termites. Termite bait is left near the infestation, and the termites carry it into the colony where the colony is poisoned and dies. There are also termite sprays available that kill termites on contact and can be used on partially exposed infestations. It would be best to combine both treatments for maximum effectiveness. Although everyone should know how to control termites, which method that is chosen to eradicate a current infestation is entirely up to the preference of the home owner. An exterminator would be expensive, but quick. If the home owner chooses to deal with the problem themselves, it may take longer, but the cost is much lower and the home owner is in full control of the chemicals used and their distribution.

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from Jenkins Pest

Monday, April 2, 2018

How To Get Rid Of The June Bug

The June Bug, also known as the June Beetle or May Beetle, can become real pests to homeowners during the spring and summer. They live in people’s yards and cause great damage to lawns, flowers, plants, and trees by eating them. Fortunately for homeowners, the June Bug can be controlled and prevented by calling in a professional pest control service and by performing DIY tasks.

Facts about the June Bug

● June Bugs are around 2.5cm long, their bodies are dark green and brown, their undersides are metallic gold or green, and they have spiny legs.
● Midsummer, the female June Bugs will lay their eggs and around 18 days later they will hatch. They only live for one year.
● They are most active during the nighttime, and they’re drawn to light sources.
● June Bugs are completely harmless to humans and animals. Bites, disease, and stings are nothing to worry about, as these little pests don’t inflict any of them.
● Bad news for the proud yard owners, adult June Bugs are harmful towards your trees, lawn, and other plants. However, the young grub worm (larvae stage of the June Bug) can be even more destructive as they live under the ground and feed on the roots of your plants and lawn.
● They will damage your lawn, leaving it with gray dead patches. Flowers and plants will die if the grubs are feeding on their roots. They also feed on moss and the bark off of trees. This can leave your trees looking patchy.
● They can cause your soil to become ‘spongy’ by creating tunnels underground. If your lawn doesn’t feel very solid, this can be a sign you have an infestation of them under your lawn.
● They are found all over North America, including San Antonio, and lots of other places around the world.

What can you do to control the June Bugs

To properly prevent June Bugs, you need to take action mid-summer to the start of fall, as this is when the female June Bugs start laying their eggs. If adult June Bugs are already around, then it’s too late to do anything that would be really helpful, but you can still eliminate some of the adult ones by using pesticide.
When pesticide is used, you need to take into account that it can potentially cause more damage to your yard than the June Bugs would. Pesticide is best applied by a professional exterminator; they have a lot of experience in applying pesticide and will cause less damage as they’ll be more precise about where they put it.
Below are some ways that you can prevent the June Bug from destroying your yard in the future:

Keep your lawn healthy – You can keep your lawn healthy and prevent June Bugs by putting down seeds on the bare spots of your yard. They prefer to lay their eggs in the short grass so in the summer, don’t cut your grass too short. Avoid overwatering or under watering your lawn during the spring, so you get deep, healthy roots. You should also keep your lawn aerated.
If you aren’t a natural gardener and think the job is best left to a professional, then call a San Antonio lawn care services company. They’ll send over a member of their team to help you keep your lawn healthy.

Milky spore disease – This is a natural disease that can help to exterminate the June Bugs organically. It isn’t harmful to earthworms, which are needed to maintain a healthy lawn, but it is damaging to the June Bugs larvae. All you need to do is sprinkle it on your lawn, then water your garden for around 15 minutes or put it down just before it’s going to rain. Just one treatment can last up to 15 years.

Get rid of any damage – When June Bugs are destroying your lawn it’s quite obvious; you will see damaged patches where the grass has died, but this is also helpful as you’ll know where they are attacking. If you see some damage on your lawn, dig it up. You will find some grub within the soil, and it’s best to destroy them so they can’t cause any further damage or grow into adults.
The June Bug is a lot less active in the morning, so this is the best time to get rid of them. You will most likely find them on plants so shake them off and destroy them. In the evening, since they are attracted to light, you can use this to your advantage. Draw them towards you using a torch or lamp then you can destroy them.

Natural predators – Although June Bugs aren’t the most attractive beetle to look at, they sure smell and taste good to some animals. You may see armadillos, skunks, and other mammals pulling back turf when they are searching for some grub to eat.
Birds are also keen eaters of grub, so try and attract them into your garden. You can put out birdbaths but don’t put out bird feed, as they will probably go for this rather than the June Bugs. There is also a type of wasp that will lay its own eggs that hatch and feed on the grub worm.

Tilling soil in your garden – Tilling your soil in the fall will bring all of the grubs up to the surface. You can try and destroy as many as possible, and the birds will help while also enjoying a tasty meal.

Chemical control – Using chemicals should always be your last resort as it’s best to try natural techniques before using chemicals that can be harmful. Chemical control is best done by a professional San Antonio pest control service. They will have all the experience they need, and they will be able to carry out the task safely and effectively by following the necessary precautions.
These chemicals will be applied in fall, and they will control the grub worm. If you have an orchard, you can place overripe fruit around the perimeter that’s soaked with pesticide. Be aware that using this technique will kill other insects that you may not want to harm.

The post appeared first on Jenkins Pest.

from Jenkins Pest

Friday, February 2, 2018

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from Jenkins Pest

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Pest Control San Antonio – New Braunfels

Summertime Pest Control: Natural and Simple

It’s that time of year again, and how else to better beat the heat than staying indoors? Unfortunately, this is exactly what many pests are doing as well, and that leaves you having to deal with them. Whether it’s getting bit by mosquitoes near your grill or having to deal with cockroaches in your kitchen, knowing proper pest control should be a top priority. Using organic pest control is beneficial in keeping your family safe from both pests and toxic chemicals. So, here are just a few safe methods that are effective for the most common summertime pests: Pest control San Antonio

1. Mosquitoes- The most infamous of summertime pests, these creatures thrive in heat and humidity. Many homeowners will apply pest control sprays and chemical deterrents which contain high levels of DDT, without even knowing its damaging effects. Some spray alternatives include a mixture of apple cider vinegar, witch hazel and eucalyptus oil or even liquefied garlic on the skin, although the smell might deter more than just mosquitoes! Your best bet would be to use Thai Lemon Grass oil, especially using the liquid from Thai Lemon stalk applied directly on skin. Using citronella based candles or catnip will be effective for repelling in a large area, or even planting marigolds.

2. Ants- Stepping in ant hill is no joke, and with fire ants this is an even more painful event. For an interactive way to trap ants, mix sugar, honey and water on a shallow plate to trap and kill. Mix soap, water and alcohol for a lethal concoction you can use directly on these pests. Adding borax to the mix or pouring boiling water on anthills also works, although these are more dangerous and so should be used with caution. Additional methods include sprinkling cinnamon or cayenne peppers in high traffic areas, as ants hate these scents.

3. Cockroaches- Cockroaches can spread bacteria and filth around any vulnerable food sources, making you or your pets sick. To prevent them from affecting your pet’s food, simply sprinkle baking soda around the food bowls. Using Diatomaceous earth over high traffic areas if effective against unseen infestation and is also completely safe for humans and animals. Given that you don’t have a cat, use catnip, bay leaves, cucumber slices, or garlic to repel additional cockroaches. For a fun pest control project, you could try to combine beer soaked bread with a slippery container in order to trap and kill these pests.
san antonio roach control

4. Flies- Flies carry a number of airborne diseases and can spread dangerous pathogens. Minty oils are also effective against flies, and so try to set it near windows or apply directly. Trapping and killing flies works the best, as they will usually not have an infestation within your home. Try placing overripe fruit with some fruit juice in a bowl covered with plastic wrap and then poke holes just big enough. A similar concept is to have a funnel placed in a container with apple cider vinegar. Both ways will trap and kill flies by drowning, and they can also be a fun activity to make with kids.

5. Bed Bugs- Nobody wants to have bugs in their beds, and as you stay in hotels throughout the vacation season, you are more likely to bring bed bugs back to your home as they thrive in warm, moist weather. This is a more serious infestation, as they can spread diseases and bite you throughout your sleep. Note that only preventive measures are possible, so spraying chemicals around the bed is ineffective and bad for your health. To reduce the possibility of increasing bed bugs, expose your mattresses to either extreme cold or heat. Also, cleaning and maintaining your house is important, with an emphasis on vacuuming. Be sure to wash your sheets and clothing in hot water whenever possible, to kill possible eggs. In the end though, if you do spot an infestation, you should call a pest control expert to successfully treat the problem.

6. Termites- Probably the most reclusive of pests, they are especially prevalent in the summer, as rotting wood is more likely to form due to the heat and humidity. These pests pose more of a problem for your home rather than anything else. As such, they can cause you thousands of dollars of property damage if ignored. Proper termite control is important, and should be employed before further damage accumulates. There are only a few green treatments, such as heat treatment, using orange oil, and replacing old wood with pesticide layered wood. Although, the biggest issue is finding the origin of the colony, and only a pest control specialist can successfully find and diagnose a house. termite treatment san antonio

Don’t let these pests bring you down this summer season, there are so many ways to fight back! If your kids are looking for things to do, try making these traps for fun as they are easy, safe and effective!

You Can Be Sure that Jenkins Pest Control Company will always be there for you in San Antonio and New Braunfels

Rodents can sense if the owners of the quarters they are boarding are complacent in their attitude towards pest. They take advantage of it. It also shows how careless you are in keeping the pest out of your home. Then again, all is not lost. You can do something definite about it. You can still get rid of the rats, mice, cockroaches and other pests if you want to, if you are really determined. You may have been irresponsible to let them prosper, but you can correct your error at the soon as possible. All is not lost when it comes to cleaning up the pest from your home.

The moment you start seeing rats playing out in the open, unmindful of your attendance, then you’ve got a severe pest problem. Normally, you would not see rats do that. But if they have grown in numbers already, they feel a bit bolder and reckless, to say the least. Don’t be bothered, they still fear you. But considering how they’ve managed to proliferate in your home, they will be feeling a little bit cozier already.

Admittedly, there are a lot of ways to get rid of pests, but the suggested solution is to get the assistance of a dependable pest control company, such as Jenkins Pest & Lawn. This is the dependable way to do it. The expenditures will be worth it. Look at it as an investment decision. An investment well used up for the very reason that you will be reaping the fruits of it for many years to come. On top of that, you will have serenity of mind, secured in the knowledge that your abode is safe and free from pests. Honestly speaking, it will be worth every penny that you will spend.

It is plain and simple, pests such as mice, bedbugs, cockroaches and spiders will not thrive if you take prompt actions against them. At the first sign of any of these pests, you should take steps to remove them. If you catch them in the early stage, then you can stop them right then and there. Even plain spraying of insecticides could have done the job. However, if the invasion is in its advanced stage already, you need to have the help of a licensed pest control company. Only through them will you be able to get rid of the pest effectively and permanently. If any and all of these remedies fail call us today!

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from Jenkins Pest

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Rodent Control in San Antonio

Rodent Control in San Antonio

Are You Facing a Squirrel Invasion? Does these Hairy Fellows Getting on your Nerves? Call Us Today For the Best Rodent Control Services in Town.

Ah! The summer is the time to let it all loose – open windows, wide welcoming doors beckoning the warmth to enter and stay till it lasts. As much as we love spending most our time outdoors, there are some small, furry creatures looking to enter your home and nest for the coming season. These are non-other than the cute, the lively and ever so harmless creatures – the squirrels. Looking at these tiny furry friends hopping about here and there in your backyard or garden is quite interesting. But once they get indoors, rodents – squirrels in particular – can cause a quite much of damage to the property and also to the state of mind of the residents. But worry no more and rely on only the best professionals to take care of such a situation. Carry on reading through this article to find more about what is Rodent Infestation and know your options at hiring a hand with the best rodent control services in town. Rodent Control san antonio

Get to know your Furry Friends:

Rodents, small gnawing little creatures are the largest class of mammals. Squirrels, often named synonymous with nuisance can be classified in three categories: the tree squirrels, the ones that live and nest on the ground, and finally the squirrels that are known to “fly”. The squirrels falling under these three classes are known as a risk to the homes and properties since these cause damages to the structure of the homes and also the lawns etc. Other species of squirrels like the fox squirrels, the red and the eastern grey squirrels are the ones that run into the human populace and their constructions more often than the rest of the categories.
• How do they look?
Before heading towards Rodent Control basics, let’s familiarize you with the threat at hand. The typical mature squirrel can measure from 12 to 25 inches or be around 30 to 64 cm in length. Since most of the species are keen hikers, these irritant squirrels are characteristically brawny and are equipped with piercing nails. They come in a variety of beautiful colors including the hues of brown, red, gray and black. Their significant trait – their fur, is diminutive, dense, and thickest alongside the tail area. The nature has beautifully changed the color tone on the underbellies of almost all the irritant squirrels as compared to the furry coat on their back.
• Where they prefer to nest?
With a food mostly comprising of flowers, seeds, nuts, herb like plants, and various types of fungi, these irritant squirrels favor inhabiting woodland spaces all the way through the adjoining United States of America, the South of Canada and towards the North-east of Mexico. Many European nations like England, Scotland, Ireland and the Italy have recently been acquainted with certain kinds of squirrels. In these states these squirrels are thought to be intrusive nuisances.
Generally speaking, all squirrels like to live among the forestry and trees but how and where they choose to nest is a different thing. Just like every other animal, the traits of these furry friends vary from every kind of specie. For instance the squirrels known as the fox squirrels fancy the diverse forests with the pine trees and the oak trees where the spaces among the trees are far and wide. On the other hand, the eastern gray squirrel who barely likes travelling along the ground prefers living in the forests in which they can easily travel over the high level of branches and leaves
• Can squirrels cross the threshold of your yards and come inside your homes?
Yes, indeed! Squirrels are the most common creature to crawl in to your yards and garden and eventually end up inside your homes. As hibernating animals, many times these squirrels make their way inside your homes especially the stores and the attic in the basements. Here they settle to avoid the upcoming winter chill. Front yards or the back yards that have an abundance of shrubbery and undergrowth are the most eye-catching for squirrels, since trees can be a place to get shelter as well as a basis for all their food related needs.
• Can squirrels cause any sort of damage to the public and/or their properties?
Squirrels are basically a very friendly and a non-violent creature therefore they are proficient of moderately serene shared living with people. On the other hand, they do have the capability for obliteration. In the garden and yards, squirrels can go digging up for seeds and nuts that might have gotten buried. This is the action that makes holes in the yard and affects the overall look of the garden. Furthermore they stamp on and consume from the shrubberies in the lawns, nourish on the fillings of pots left out for birds in addition to chewing on the bird-houses.
Once inside the home, squirrels can get comfortable in attics and dark store rooms. They can start chewing and gnawing on walls made up of wood and endangers the humans as well as themselves by gnawing on the electricity wiring.
• How to Implement Rodent Control and Ensure Safety?
The best way for rodent control is altering your homes and gardens/lawns in a way that makes them the slightest promising to squirrel nesting. It is important that the landholders confirm that there are no cracked windows and small snaps in the attics are mended. Always keep a check on chimneys since this is a potential entrance, so close them with net covers. Keep up a fence around your gardens to keep squirrels out along with regular trimming of the trees in your yard.
• Why do you need Rodent Control Service?
Squirrels are thought-of as a hunting game in numerous states so catching these rodents may necessitate the obtaining of an exceptional license. Moreover, although squirrels are known to be the least hostile, it is always advisable to hire a skilled expert instead of attempting to grab these harsh animals lacking the appropriate information or support. Our qualified flora and fauna experts are capable at classifying the diverse classes of squirrels and treating Rodent Control correctly and compassionately. Our Website

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from Jenkins Pest

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Methods of Termite Control

Methods of Termite Control

Just as you use many techniques you use to control the pests in your home, there are multiple methods that can be used to control the termites in your home, but there is no single method that can be adopted by all, it really depends on your situation. The termite control method varies from the type of termite you have, the extent to which they have infested in your home or the construction of your home. There so much species of termite that live in our surrounding that it is sometimes really difficult to identify the right method for their removal.
Types of damages
You can suffer from different types of problems if they are present in your home. They can cause harm to your house both internally as well as externally. One possibility is that they will infest deep inside the ground of your house and damage the foundation. If you have a lot of wood work done in your home, they can attack those wooden areas and then live their while damaging the area. It is really difficult to detect the presence of their nests especially in the wooden areas that you have to use certain methods to be sure about their presence. Once their presence is detected then particular measures should be taken in order to get rid of them in a proper manner. There are specific experts who have thorough knowledge about their treatment and behavior. By using their help you can easily make your home termite free.
Use of chemicals and pesticides
This is the most effective and widely used method of getting the termites of any kind of pests from the area. There are many new practices which are being followed in advanced patterns to get rid of termites. You just have to use a few pesticides that suit the termite control and you will experience much better results. There are multiple poisons and pest control medicines that can be obtained from the market for termite control. One of those medicines is chlordane which is much popular and effective for this particular type of problem.
Use of soil treatment
As the presence of termites is widely feasible in the ground areas, that can be an effective method of using pesticides against them. You can treat a particular area once the presence of termites is confirmed. Just take the targeted area and make the effective use of pest controls in that area of your home. You just have to cover the areas in the house which can most likely of getting the termites in it. When all those points are covered it will not be possible for them to enter the soil or garden area which will protect the foundations of the area.
Electronic and temperature sensitive treatment
It is not hidden that most kinds of pests are really sensitive to temperature. If you bring small changes in the temperature they will die right away without much effort. Once they are terminated, you can use a vacuum to get rid of their presence. If the termites have infested in your furniture, you can make the use of extremely hot or cold temperature to get rid of them with a little amount of effort. Also, the use of electronic as well as microwave conduct can kill any kind of termites present in your dry wood furniture or small objects. But, there is no guarantee that once treated they will not occur again. You have to check the area frequently after small intervals that whether they are growing again or not.
Termination of food resources
This is basically a prevention strategy. If you want your home termite free, then you have to take certain measures so that they do not get the favorable environment to live and then ultimately die. These are the easy methods. Just remove the food resources that are most likely liked by termites which include the wooden objects. The elements that promote the moisture or remain moist most of the time should also be removed from your home. If your house has any kind of leakages, you should get the plumber and get it fixed at the right time. Savage system should also be maintained in the right way.
Placement of termite baits
When you use chemicals in the soil, they last fro only a few years and after that, you have to think of new solutions about getting rid of termites. In that case, there is a long lasting solution for your problem. You can install the termite baits in your ground area. This will work in the way that when the termites will find these baits, they will eat them and after eating they will be dead. There is a lot of research being done in the field of developing advanced bait systems. You can also detect the colonies of termites and then use these baits in the areas where there is more problem.
Liquid treatments
There are some kinds of termiticides that are available in the form of liquids. With the help of these, the termites would not be able to get into the soil and get the amount of water content which is necessary for their survival. The entry and presence of termites can be avoided by this method. You just have to drill the area such as slab if the liquid does not pass on. However, if it is an easy method to insert the liquid it can be directly entered in the area to kill the termites.
These were some of the methods for termite control. With a lot of research it is not possible for termites to live for a longer period of time on your home, however, there is more research being carried out and after that, the control will be even more effective. If you are facing and infestation of termites, it is good to make the use of multiple methods because that will be helpful in killing the pests of different species.

te Control
Just as you use many techniques you use to control the pests in your home, there are multiple methods that can be used to control the termites in your home, but there is no single method that can be adopted by all, it really depends on your situation. The termite control method varies from the type of termite you have, the extent to which they have infested in your home or the construction of your home. There so much species of termite that live in our surrounding that it is sometimes really difficult to identify the right method for their removal.
Types of damages
You can suffer from different types of problems if they are present in your home. They can cause harm to your house both internally as well as externally. One possibility is that they will infest deep inside the ground of your house and damage the foundation. If you have a lot of wood work done in your home, they can attack those wooden areas and then live their while damaging the area. It is really difficult to detect the presence of their nests especially in the wooden areas that you have to use certain methods to be sure about their presence. Once their presence is detected then particular measures should be taken in order to get rid of them in a proper manner. There are specific experts who have thorough knowledge about their treatment and behavior. By using their help you can easily make your home termite free.
Use of chemicals and pesticides
This is the most effective and widely used method of getting the termites of any kind of pests from the area. There are many new practices which are being followed in advanced patterns to get rid of termites. You just have to use a few pesticides that suit the termite control and you will experience much better results. There are multiple poisons and pest control medicines that can be obtained from the market for termite control. One of those medicines is chlordane which is much popular and effective for this particular type of problem.
Use of soil treatment
As the presence of termites is widely feasible in the ground areas, that can be an effective method of using pesticides against them. You can treat a particular area once the presence of termites is confirmed. Just take the targeted area and make the effective use of pest controls in that area of your home. You just have to cover the areas in the house which can most likely of getting the termites in it. When all those points are covered it will not be possible for them to enter the soil or garden area which will protect the foundations of the area.
Electronic and temperature sensitive treatment
It is not hidden that most kinds of pests are really sensitive to temperature. If you bring small changes in the temperature they will die right away without much effort. Once they are terminated, you can use a vacuum to get rid of their presence. If the termites have infested in your furniture, you can make the use of extremely hot or cold temperature to get rid of them with a little amount of effort. Also, the use of electronic as well as microwave conduct can kill any kind of termites present in your dry wood furniture or small objects. But, there is no guarantee that once treated they will not occur again. You have to check the area frequently after small intervals that whether they are growing again or not.
Termination of food resources
This is basically a prevention strategy. If you want your home termite free, then you have to take certain measures so that they do not get the favorable environment to live and then ultimately die. These are the easy methods. Just remove the food resources that are most likely liked by termites which include the wooden objects. The elements that promote the moisture or remain moist most of the time should also be removed from your home. If your house has any kind of leakages, you should get the plumber and get it fixed at the right time. Savage system should also be maintained in the right way.
Placement of termite baits
When you use chemicals in the soil, they last fro only a few years and after that, you have to think of new solutions about getting rid of termites. In that case, there is a long lasting solution for your problem. You can install the termite baits in your ground area. This will work in the way that when the termites will find these baits, they will eat them and after eating they will be dead. There is a lot of research being done in the field of developing advanced bait systems. You can also detect the colonies of termites and then use these baits in the areas where there is more problem.
Liquid treatments
There are some kinds of termiticides that are available in the form of liquids. With the help of these, the termites would not be able to get into the soil and get the amount of water content which is necessary for their survival. The entry and presence of termites can be avoided by this method. You just have to drill the area such as slab if the liquid does not pass on. However, if it is an easy method to insert the liquid it can be directly entered in the area to kill the termites.
These were some of the methods for termite control. With a lot of research it is not possible for termites to live for a longer period of time on your home, however, there is more research being carried out and after that, the control will be even more effective. If you are facing and infestation of termites, it is good to make the use of multiple methods because that will be helpful in killing the pests of different species.

The post Methods of Termite Control appeared first on Jenkins Pest.

from Jenkins Pest

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Texas, San Antonio Termite Control

Texas, San Antonio Termite Control

Termite control is a major concern with most Texas homeowners at some time in their life. In order to prevent certain species of termites from invading your home or commercial building, it is highly recommended to do Texas termite control regularly.Termites controll

The biggest risks associated with termites are found with the damage that is created from their infestation, as well as the expense to repair Texas termite damage. Therefore, every homeowner in Texas should do regular termite inspections in order to prevent or eliminate this invading threat.

No other insect can make more damage to you home than that of these timber destroying pests. The structure of your Texas residence may be in danger as you discover areas that have either been softened or have begun to crumble apart as a result of termite infestation. The good news is that as a Texas homeowner you can consider a proactive approach to termite damage.

Unfortunately, most home owners in Texas are only proactive and call a Texas termite inspector when they are selling their home. Fact is however, that termite control measurements should be scheduled on an annual basis, and not simply a result of a home sale or purchase. During the time where your home is not being inspected, you will often discover various forms of termite infestation. As a homeowner, you would like to avoid the expenses which are associated with repairing termite damaged areas as a result of a termite infestation.

Utilizing a Texas termite control firm which uses high tech equipment to ensure your home is free and clear of termite infestation is well worth the expense. By using solutions that help in preventing infestation with subterranean or drywood termites, you will save money in the long run. Also by having termite inspections done on a regular basis, you will get rid of the risk associated with Texas termites and termite damage.

Of course, there are many more advantages that are available for any individual looking to utilize the services of a Texas termite control company, due to the likelihood of termites which are found in a Texas home. Eliminating the risk of termites is just one example of the preventative opportunities that are available with Texas Pest Control.

If you want to save thousands of dollars in damage repair costs, you should take preventive means to save your home from termites. Getting Texas termite inspections done once or twice in a year can save any home in Texas a lot of money.winter-termites

How to Control Termites

It is very important to know how to control termites, especially if you live in an older home made of wood or if you live in a warmer, more humid climate. Whether or not you already have an infestation, everybody should know how to control termites in order to prevent thousands of dollars of damage to your home and property. The first thing that should be done to control termites is to check and see if you have an infestation. Check your home and property for any rotting or damaged wood; including support beams and foundations as well as walls and floors. It would also be smart to check around foundations and in unfinished basements for tunnels in the mud that would indicate an infestation of subterranean termites.

Termites feed on the cellulose that is naturally found in wood, and can cause serious structural damage to a building. These pesky insects nest in the earth and cause damage to wood found closer to the ground. In homes and buildings, the damage caused by a termite infestation can be destructive and can be very expensive if not treated as soon as possible. If action is not taken immediately, the damage caused will gradually become worse and the affected structure will eventually become unsalvageable.

The effect of termite damage causes the wood’s overall integrity and reliability to become compromised. Only about a centimeter in length, these tiny pests can be subtle and relatively unnoticeable as they destroy the infested building. Every year, the damage caused by termite infestations is more than $100 million dollars. As deforestation occurs, termites have to take flight in search of alternative food sources. Since they are unable to determine or recognize the difference in food sources, anything that contains or has been built from wood can be an enticing meal. Because they eat cellulose, their diet has been known to include important papers, money, books, and furniture. Pool liners and filters have also been damaged.

For methods of how to control termites, there are several options available. The most obvious option would be to hire an exterminator, but this can be prohibitively expensive. It is possible to treat a termite infestation yourself. The first step is to go around the property and clean up any dead wood, branches, or log piles. Either remove these from the property or elevate them off of the ground so that termites cannot reach them. Next, seal up any cracks in the walls and foundations that the termites may be using to get into the house.

Finally, there are several products available for purchase used to kill termites. Termite bait is left near the infestation, and the termites carry it into the colony where the colony is poisoned and dies. There are also termite sprays available that kill termites on contact and can be used on partially exposed infestations. It would be best to combine both treatments for maximum effectiveness. Although everyone should know how to control termites, which method that is chosen to eradicate a current infestation is entirely up to the preference of the home owner. An exterminator would be expensive, but quick. If the home owner chooses to deal with the problem themselves, it may take longer, but the cost is much lower and the home owner is in full control of the chemicals used and their distribution.

Termite Varieties

Although termites are very small insects, they have voracious appetites. Unfortunately, their voracious appetites can result in many thousands of dollars of damages for property owners. Therefore, most property owners would probably benefit from learning more about termites. Although there are more than three hundred varieties of termites around the world, only four main varieties of termites are commonly found in the United States. The four varieties of termites found in the United States are Drywood, Dampwood, Subterranean, and Formosan termites.Termite inspection San Antonio

Drywood Termite

Approximately 3/8-inch long with a large brown head, drywood termites do not require any contact with the ground or with soil. These termites live exclusively in wood, digesting the cellulose they find in common wooden household items to obtain the moisture that they need. Drywood termites often create not just one or a few colonies, but instead create multiple colonies within a single structure. The most common way that property owners discover their property is infested with drywood termites is by seeing their fecal pellets. However, many property owners confuse the fecal pellets of the drywood termites with sawdust.

Dampwood Termite

Like drywood termites, dampwood termites do not live in the soil or ground. Instead, dampwood termites establish their colonies in rotting or damp wood. Thus, dampwood termites often can be found in decaying ground wood around the exterior of homes. To avoid property damage from dampwood termites, particularly in tropical or mild climates, property owners should address those interior and exterior areas of their structures that are prone to moisture.

Subterranean Termite

Of all the varieties of termites found in the United States, the subterranean termite is the most common variety. Subterranean termites are usually transparent and somewhat yellow in appearance. They usually have dark heads and pale bodies. Subterranean termites are most likely to swarm in the spring. In warmer climates, however, they may swarm throughout the year. Subterranean termites are known for creating large colonies with very long, intricate tunnel systems. Because subterranean termites require constant contact with a moisture source, their colonies are usually located in the soil. Subterranean termites build long tunnel tubes to reach food sources. Thus, property owners should look for these termite tubes in order to determine if their property is infested with subterranean termites.

Formosan Termite

Formosan Termite are sometimes referred to as “super termites”. Formosan termites are frequently considered to be the most destructive of all the varieties of termites in the world. They are usually a pale yellow in color, although the color of the kings and queens varies significantly from light to dark. Formosan termites have the largest colonies of any variety of termites.

These colonies can have as many as eight million members and be three hundred feet in size. Because the colonies are so large and formosan termites are so difficult to detect, they often do a tremendous amount of damage before they are discovered.

Because termite damage can be extensive and expensive to repair, property owners should be vigilant about inspecting their properties for the presence of termites. If they do not know what they are looking for, they should consider calling in experts to assist them in this process. The best way to avoid damage from termites is through prevention and maintenance. Property owners who properly prevent termite infestation and maintain their properties free of these pests avoid the need to repair termite damage later.

Drywood Termite Control

Drywood termites, as you most probably already know, are exceptionally secretive insects and it can be a real challenge to determine whether or not you are having a drywood termite infestation. Most often, people only realize that they have one too many termites in their home at a much later date and by then, the infestation would have got really bad. Drywood termites thrive best when they live deep inside wood, so the only chance you will actually have to detect drywood termite activities in your home would be the period when the insects swarm. Basically, drywood termite colonies tend to be small but widely dispersed and the colonies only mature when left unchecked over several years, so if you are a responsible homeowner, then you may be able to avoid a full-scale infestation by investigating the presence of termites every so often.

Drywood termite treatment starts with making sure that you are actually having a drywood termite problem. In general, because drywood termites are not exactly huge in nature and they do tend to be quite secretive, detection of whether or not you have drywood termites feeding on your pieces of furniture might not always be as easy as you would have liked it to be. A full-scale investigation of your home will most probably require you to move around panelings as well as stuccoes. For effective drywood termite treatment, you will need to look for things such as signs of feeding damage, shed wings, termite fecal pellets, as well as kickout holes.

Drywood termite treatment methods are basically of two types and these are whole-structure drywood termite treatment or localized drywood termite treatment. To learn more about these technical terms, read on.

By definition, a whole-structure drywood termite treatment is the simultaneous treatment of all infestations in a structure, while a localized or spot treatment has more to do with a restrictive control method which addresses a single issue.

1. For whole structure drywood termite treatment, fumigants are used to treat infestations simultaneously. In general, fumigation shows a relatively high success rate and your home should be termite-free within days. Alternatively, if you do not wish to invade your home with smoke, you can make use of what is known as a heat treatment. Heat treatment is basically a non-chemical drywood termite treatment, which has been used for decades now. The treatment process basically involves heating all wood at a temperature of 120°F and above for no less than 35 minutes.

2. For localized drywood termite treatment, you can choose to make use of an aerosol spray or a liquid insecticide. The dust formulations are also known to work quite remarkably although it is highly recommended that you pay special attention to the instructions on the label of the insecticide you choose to use. Not all insecticides function the same way. In general, chemical control for drywood termite treatment shows a success rate that can range from 33% to 100%.

Drywood termites are basically primitive termites that cause much damage but often go unnoticed by homeowners for the simple reason that they are really similar to the very popular subterranean termites. Drywood termites belong to what is known as the Kalotermitidae family. As a general rule, most drywood termites only infest in dead trees.

Perhaps the biggest problem where drywood termite control is concerned is actually finding the very elusive nest locations. Basically, drywood termites form relatively small colonies so it can be quite hard to locate where they actually have their nests concealed. Apart from that little consideration, drywood termite control is pretty straightforward.

It is generally acknowledged that the most probable locations for drywood termites to build their nests are places such as the inside of furniture, the inside of wall studs, or even framing structures. It is very unlikely for you to find nests in wall voids so there is no point in you looking there. In fact, perhaps the easiest way for you to discover drywood termite nests is to actually study the wood surfaces around your personal space, they might have a lot to reveal.

Basically, drywood termites are known to chew away wood until only a thin sheet remains separating the termites from the environment, pretty clever little creatures, don’t you think? Anyway, the thing is, it might not always be easy for you to spot drywood termite infestation. Sometimes by the time you discover you have an infestation, your furniture is positively gone.

To identify a drywood termite infestation, you need to watch out for things such as piles of frass or even pieces of wood chippings. If you suspect an infestation, before you undertake any form of drywood termite control, you might want to tap rather soundly the furniture around your home and watch out for any falling frass.

Once discovered, drywood termites can be treated on the spot by injecting a generous amount of insecticide into any nest you discover. As for the larger infestations, you might need some more serious drywood termite treatment. Fumigation, for instance, might control several colonies in one go.

On a separate note, you might also consider a few non-chemical drywood termite control treatments such as heat treatments and such things.

Call our San Antonio Pest Control Experts for a Termite Inspection Today!

The post Texas, San Antonio Termite Control appeared first on Jenkins Pest.

from Jenkins Pest