Monday, January 30, 2017

Lawn Weed Control

Lawn Care Tips for Weed Control

Weeds are a common occurrence in many San Antonio gardens, which is a nightmare for anyone who takes pride in their yard. Unfortunately, weeds love to make their home in people’s lawns, so no matter how much work you put into your garden they are almost inevitable. They can grow and spread very fast; you can quickly go from having a few weeds to being overwhelmed by them. lawn care san antonio

Luckily, there are several weed control methods to prevent weeds from inhabiting your lawn, some you can do yourself while others are best left to the professionals. If you are experiencing particularly bad weed control issues, then call in your local San Antonio lawn care service to help with your yard’s weed problem. We can help you to get rid of the problem quickly and efficiently.

Types of weeds

Not all weeds can be gotten rid of in the same way. Find out what type of weeds you have and what method is best used to get rid of these specific kinds.
Common weeds include:

● Dandelion
● Crabgrass
● Ground ivy
● White clover
● Spotted spurge
● Quackgrass
● Yellow woodsorrel
● Yellow nutsedge

Lawn weeds are split up into different categories; grass-like plants, broadleaf plants, and unwanted grasses. These weeds are then either considered perennials or annuals. Annuals life cycle is only one season, and they then reproduce from seeds. Perennials can live for several years, spread by seed and also underground.
If you aren’t sure how to determine which weeds have attacked your yard, then call in a professional. Professional lawn care services will be able to quickly identify the weeds and either give you advice for getting rid of them or take action and do it for you.

Crowd out the weeds

Weeds will take root wherever they can, then settle to catch some rays of sunshine. If your grass if healthy, then the weeds will find it a lot more challenging to grow. To prevent weeds, make sure you care for your lawn:


You need to find the right balance when fertilizing your lawn. Too much fertilizer can feed the weeds and help them grow. Too little fertilizer could make your lawn sparse and unhealthy, meaning paradise for the weeds. Make sure to read the information on the fertilizer you are using; there should be advice and guidelines to how much fertilizer is needed.

Water your lawn

If you water your lawn frequently and lightly, it can cause shallow roots, which results in unhealthy grass and also the perfect place for certain types of weeds to thrive. Water your lawn occasionally and deeply to prevent shallow roots and weeds.

Mow your lawn

When you mow your lawn too low it can cause the turf to weaken, and it can also let more sunlight reach the soil; this can help different lawn weeds to grow. Mow your lawn higher to prevent this; the highest level for most lawn types is between 2 – 4 inches.

Look out for signs
Weeds can sometimes be an indication that there is a problem in your soil. For example, if the surface of soil remains damp, ground ivy will often be found as this is where it grows best. Try to let more light reach the earth by cutting back trees and other plants that cause a lot of shadow on your lawn.

Hand weeding

If you have a small lawn, hand weeding is still a very effective way of getting rid of weeds. Make sure to pull them while they are young, as this is the best way to prevent the weeds from spreading. For perennial weeds it is essential that you catch them early, if they have matured, they can be a lot harder to remove due to their deep roots. If there are any root pieces remaining in the ground, a new weed will grow, so make sure to remove all of it.

Use tools, for example, a lawn trowel or dandelion digger, to help uproot the weeds. Hand weeding is a lot easier to do when the soil is damp. Use compost to fill in the hole where the weed has been pulled then put down some lawn seed in that area.


If your lawn is overrun with weeds and you have tried everything to get rid of them, using herbicides might be your only answer. Herbicides should only be used as a last resort. Make sure to use them correctly as they can be dangerous to other plants in your garden and also kill the lawn.
You could always call in a professional San Antonio pest control service to do this job as they will have a lot more experience with weeds and know how to use the herbicides safely and correctly.
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from Jenkins Pest

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Keeping Your Family Safe and the Pests Out

Keeping Your Family Safe and the Pests Out

San Antonio has its fair amount of pests, and they will often be found inhabiting both yards and homes. If you find yourself with a pest problem, then don’t hesitate to call your local San Antonio pest control service. They can help you to deal with both indoor and outdoor pests.
Using a professional San Antonio lawn care service is the only way to ensure that the problem is handled safely, for the sake of your family and pets. While customers often wonder if pest control is safe for pets and children, you can rest assured that safety is our first concern. As long as the necessary precautions are taken, then you don’t need to worry about pest control negatively impacting you or your family. Lawn Care San Antonio

Keeping your Children Safe

When it comes to pest control, a lot of people worry that it could be harmful towards their kids. It is often the case that the pests pose more of a risk to the health and safety of you and your family than the majority of treatments. If an infestation is left too long, the pests will grow in numbers and could begin to spread disease and illness around your home. They can also cause a lot of damage, which will cost a great deal of money to repair. If you just take the correct precautions, your kids will be fine, so don’t hesitate to call in an exterminator if your home has a pest infestation.
If you have hired a professional exterminator, they will know exactly what they are doing. They will be very careful and direct with where they are applying any treatments and will advise you of all the precautions you need to take before and after. Before you receive the pest control service, you may have to prepare a few things in your home before the exterminator arrives. You will often be asked to remove items from cupboards, shelves, pantries and from underneath sinks. You may also be asked to pull furniture and other objects away from the safety - Pest Control San Antonio
They will fully advise you on the steps you need to take once the work is complete. Most insecticides dry within 30 minutes after they have been applied, but it is advised that you, your kids, and your pets don’t enter the treated room for around 2-3 hours to ensure that there are no harmful chemicals left.

Keeping your Pets Safe

When pests invade your home, you will want to sort out the extermination as quickly as possible, which means people often forget to tell the exterminator that they have pets. If you are going to schedule an appointment, remember to mention to your exterminator that you have pets that need to be taken into consideration.
Most pest control treatments are safe, but it’s still best to talk to your exterminator about where your pets should be during the extermination and about any precautions you may need to take after they leave.

Containing your Pets:

Pets such as cats and dogs can become very curious when there is commotion going on within your home – a new person, new sounds, new smells. They will often sniff around or even lick things to accustom themselves with these new objects. This means they can come very close to potentially dangerous materials the exterminator will use during the pest control service.
To avoid this, put your four-legged friends into a cage, a kennel, or a pet carrier. If you don’t own one of these, you could also shut them away into a room that is not being serviced but make sure they can’t escape.

Birds, Fish, Rodents, and Reptiles:

If you are having a pest control treatment to exterminate bed bugs or fleas and you own birds, fish, rodents, or reptiles, they may require an extra little bit of preparation in advance of the service. Remove them from the room that is being treated, then use a blanket or towel to cover their tank or cage.
This will prevent any airborne mist, droplets, or overspray getting into their little home. If the tank or cage is too big or heavy to move, try and transfer them into a smaller one for the time being. The room that has been treated should not be entered for a certain amount of time, but your exterminator will inform you of how long. If you have left a larger tank or cage in the room, once the required time is over, it would be a good idea to give it a thorough clean out before placing your pets back in.

The post Keeping Your Family Safe and the Pests Out appeared first on Jenkins Pest.

from Jenkins Pest